Friday, February 8, 2008

Is Getting Web Traffic an Endless Chore?

If you are one of most webmasters getting web traffic probably feels like an endless chore with little or no results. You probably have shelled out a handsome amount of money to this end. I see it all the time.

The biggest problem is that most Internet marketers look at the normal ways of advertising their web site. They try to market their product online as the only means of advertising. Think for minute here. Before the Internet, how would have you tried to sell something?

I’ll bet that you came up with a few places, didn’t you? I will guarantee you that almost none of the Internet marketers who are failing have advertised their site outside of the Internet and I will almost guarantee that those who are successful have at one time or another have.

A few places to consider is your local newspaper and add the URL to your web site in your ad. You may want to consider making up some signs and putting them up on busy streets around your area. Another idea would be to make up some flyers and put them on windshields of cars at local shopping malls. These ideas may not get a ton of results but they will give you results. If you are just starting out this may be the way to go. You need to start somewhere. Brainstorm on other ways to advertise outside of the net. I guess you have to ask yourself this, is what you are doing now working? Advertising using outside sources will help you create a small viral market which can result in a bigger market online. There is not a more powerful way to get customers than through word of mouth.

To be successful on the Internet, you have to do things that others are not doing. The most successful marketers use approaches that others don’t. If you do what everyone else does you’ll get what everyone else gets which is nothing. Be different from the rest and understand that will take work will separate you from the rest of the get rich quick Internet marketers out there who expect the sales to drop into their lap without having to do anything to get it.